
Gregory the Great and his world [Medieval Spirituality]

Robert A. Markus
Gregory the Great and his world.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997, xxiii+241 p.

1. Introduction: a contemplative in a troubled world
2. Integritas animi: ministry in the Church
3. Sapienter indoctus: scriptural understanding
4. Appropinquante mundi termino: the world in its old age
5. The Christian community and its neighbours
6. Christiana respublica: within the confines of the Empire
7. Terra mea: Italy between two worlds
8. Argus luminosissimus: the pope as landlord;
9. Scissum corpus: the schism of the Three Chapters
10. Ravenna and Rome: and beyond
11. In cunctis mundi partibus: the Far West
12. Inconcussam servare proviciam: dissent in Africa

Appendix: On the distribution of Gregory's correspondence
Glossary of terms for offices
Index to Gregory's works.
General index

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