
A Sociophilological Study of Late Latin [Literature & Philology]

Roger Wright
A Sociophilological Study of Late Latin(Utrecht Studies in Medievla Lieteracy 10).
Tunrhout: Brepols, 2002, 389 p.

This book
Section A: Late Latin, medieval Latin and Romance
1. How Latin came to be a foreign languages for all
2. Why the Romance languages are not all the same
3. Periodization
4. Viva voce

Section B: Texts and language in late antiquity
5. The role of Priscian
6. The Latin-Romance "ensemble" of the seventh century
7. Foreigner's Latin and Romance: Boniface and Pope Gregory II
8. Rhythmic poetry and the author's vernacular

Section C: The ninth century
9. Alcuin's de orthographia and the council of Tours(A.D. 813)
10. The relative chronology of new scripta and new languages
11. The end of written laudatio in Al-Andalus
12. Early medieval pan-Romance comprehension

Section D: Italy and Spain in the tenth and eleventh centuries
13. Periodization and language names: Italo-Romance in 1000 A.D.
14. The glossaries of tenth-century Spain:(1)the 1997 edition of códece emilianense 46
15. The glossaries of tenth-century Spain:(2)Romance vocabulary in the San Millán glossaries
16. In what language are the glosses of San Millán and Silos ?

Section E: Twelfth- and thirteenth-century Spain
17. Sociophilology and twelfth-century Spain
18. The assertion of Ibero-Romance
19. Why Judeo-Spanish was called "ladino"
20. A sociopholological approach to the earliest Romance texts:[-t], -/t/ and -t in Castile(1206-1208)

Section F: Sociophilology and historical linguistics
21. Comparative, structural and sociolonguisitic analyses of the history of the Romance languages
22. Writing: photo or disguise ?
23. Textual evidence for language change
24. What actually changes durign a 'sound change' ?

25. Conclusion


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Roger Wright, Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France. Liverpool: F. Cairns, 1982, xii+322 p.

Roger Wright(ed.), Latin and the Romance languages in the early Middle Ages(Romance linguistics). London &New York: Routledge, 1991, ix+262 p.


Michel Banniard, Viva voce: communication écrite et communication orale du IVe au IXe siècle en Occident latin(Collection des études augustiniennes; Série moyen-age et temps modernes 25). Paris: Institut des études augustiniennes, 1992, 596 p.

Michel Banniard, Genèse culturelle de l'Europe: Ve-VIIIe siècle, préface de Pierre Bonnassie. Paris: Seuil, 1989, 254 p.
Id., Le Moyen Age occidental(Que sais-je ? 1807). Paris: PUF, 3 ed., 1991, 128 p.

佐藤彰一「識字文化・言語・コミュニケーション」佐藤彰一他編 『西欧中世史(上) 継承と創造』(ミネルヴァ書房 1995)

千葉敏之「固有名詞学」『西洋中世学入門』(東京大学出版会 2006), 131-53頁



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