
The Rise of Western Christendom [Early Middle Ages]

The rise of Western Christendom.jpg
Peter Brown
The Rise of Western Christendom. Triumph and Diversity A.D.200-1000, 2 ed.
Oxford: Blackwell 2003, x+625 p.

List of Maps.


Part I: Empire and Aftermath: AD 200-500
1. "The laws of countries": prologue and overview
2. Christianity and empire
3. Tempora Christiana: Christian times
4. Virtutes sanctorum ... strages gentium:"deeds of saints... slaughter of nations"
5. On the foritiers: Noricum, Ireland, and Francia

Part II: Divergent Legacies: AD 500-750.
6. Reverentia, rusticitas: Caesarius of Arles to Gregory of Tours
7. Bishops, city, and desert: East Rome
8. Regimen animarum: Gregory the Great

Part III: The End of Ancient Christianity: AD 600-750.
9. Powerhouses of prayer: monasticism in Western Europe
10. The making of a sapiens: religion and culture in continental Europe and in Ireland
11. Medicamenta paenitentiae: Columbanus
12. Christianity in Asia and the rise of Islam
13. "The changing of the kingdoms": Christians under Islam
14. Christianities of the North: Ireland
15: Christianities of the North: The Saxons of Britain
16: Micro-Christendoms

Part IV: New Christendoms: AD 750-1000.
17. The crisis of the images: the Byzantine iconoclast controversy
18. The closing of the frontier: Frisia and Germany
19. "to rule the Christian people": Charlemagne
20: In gear dagum, "In days of yore": Northern Christendom and its past

Coordinated Chronological Tables.
Bibliography: Primary Sources;
Secondary Sources.

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