
Norway: A History from the Vikings to Our Own Times [Medieval Norway]

Rolf Danielsen et al.
Norway: A History from the Vikings to Our Own Times
Oslo: Scandinavian University Press 1998, xiv+486 p.

Part 1: Down to 1536(Knut Helle)
1. The country and the people
2. 'Land of the Norsemen'
3. Population, settlement and the economy up to around 1350
4. Society in the high middle ages
5. A society regulated by the monarchy and the Church
6. The great crisis
7. The political system of the late middle ages

Part 2: 1536-1814(Ståle Dyrvik)
8. Union with Denmark
9. Demographic and social patterns
10. The economy
11. Income and power
12. The state and its subjects
13. Denmark and Norway
14. The union collapses

Part 3: 1814-1945(Rolf Danielsen and Edgar Hovland)
15. The consolidation of the new state(R.D.)
16. Recovery and growth: the Norwegian economy, 1815-75(E.H.)
17. The embetsmenn state: golden age, decline and fall(R.D.)
18. Modern Norway takes shape, 1875-1920(E.H.)
19. The political sphere, 1884-1918(R.D.)
20. The inter-war years
21. Crisis and war: from discord to unity(R.D.)

Part 4: The years since 1945(Tore Grønlie)
22. Reconstruction, radical change or continuity ?
23. A quarter of a century of growth
24. The welfare society
25. A state in search of co-operation and consensus
26. Norway - a hesitant internationalist
27. The post-war years in perspective

Norwegian governments after 1873
Select bibliography
Glossary of Norwegian terms
Subject index

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Ø. ステーネシェン/I. リーベク(岡沢憲芙監訳/小森宏美訳)『ノルウェーの歴史 氷河期から今日まで』(早稲田大学出版部 2005年)




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