Le monde byzantin, III: L'Empire grec et ses voisins [Reference & Dictionary]
Angeliki Laiou Cécile Morrisson ed.
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Paris:PUF 2011, lxx+494 p.
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages [Reference & Dictionary]
Robert E. Bjork ed.in chief
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 4. vols.
Oxford: Oxford UP 2010, 1968 p.
The Oxford Dictionary of Popes [Reference & Dictionary]
J. N. D. Kelly wit new material by Michael Walsh
The Oxford Dictionary of Popes
Oxford: Oxford UP 2005, 349 p.
Handbuch der Geschichte Russlands [Reference & Dictionary]
Manfred Hellmann hrsg.
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A Companion to Medieval World [Reference & Dictionary]
Carol Lansing & Edward D. English(eds.)
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London: Wiley-Blackwell 2009, xii+584 p.
Introduction aux sources de l'histoire médiévale [Reference & Dictionary]
Raoul C. van Caenegem
Introduction aux sources de l'histoire médiévale(Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis).
Turnhout: Brepols 1997, 649 p.
Lexikon der mittelalterlichen Zahlenbedeutungen [Reference & Dictionary]
Heinz Meyer & Rudolf Suntrup
Lexikon der mittelalterlichen Zahlenbedeutungen(Münster Mittelalter-Schriften 56)
München: Wilhelm Fink 1987, xliv p.+1014 col.
Medieval Scandinavia. An Encyclopedia [Reference & Dictionary]
Philippe Pulsiano(ed.)
Medieval Scandinavia. An Encyclopedia(Garland encyclopedias of the
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